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Distillation Tester
The instrument is designed and made as per the National Standard ASTM D86 “Test Methods for Distillation Characteristics of Petroleum Products at Barometric Pressure”. It is suitable to determine distillation characteristics of natural gasoline, vehicle gasoline, aviation gasoline, jet fuels, special boiling point solvent, naphtha, diesel oil, distillate and similar petroleum products.

The instrument has two sets of distillation systems. It can make determination using one set of distillation system or make determination for two identical samples or different samples using two set of distillation systems. This highly improves the working efficiency. It is suitable to be used in companies with many samples to be determined. It also increases determination speed for normal customers. It is a desired distillation tester for petroleum products.
Can transfer the data’s to computer with COM.
320×340 LCD screen
Automatic nitrogen-protection, automatic section using hiring sensor, automatic flameout,
Automatic wind-cooling can finish fast cooling.
Main Technical Parameters:
Volume of graduated flask: 0~100 ml with scale division of 0.1 ml;
Temperature Range: 0~400℃ with scale division of 0.1℃
Distillation speed: 2~5ml/min(adjustable)
Cooling: Electric cooling
Operation: Star with procedure and controlled by keyboard
Temperature range of Cooling equipment: 0~60℃
Distillation Heating: IR heating
Total power consumption: not more than 2500 W;
Ordering information:
  BGD 237/1---Automatic Distillation Tester(Single Tube)
  BGD 237/2---Automatic Distillation Tester(Double Tube)
Original Coating Performance
Ink and Printing Instruments
Balance/Oven/Water Bath
Weathering Tester
Testing before Spraying
Test Substrates
Standard Expendable Items
Petroleum Tester
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