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Test Substrates
Test Substrates
If coatings tests are to be reliable and reproducible, they must be performed on a substrate which is reasonably consistent from test to test. Unfortunately, ordinary commercial sheet steel displays wide variations in the surface properties which affect the bonding of coatings.
The Standard Test Substrate
Biuged brand test substrates provide a uniform and consistent surface for testing paints, coatings and adhesives. Panels are available in a variety of substrates, surface finishes, sizes and shapes. They are used to minimize metal variability as a source of bias in critical tests and they are economical enough to be used for sales samples and batch records.
Panel Options. Panels are available in steel and aluminum, bare and pretreated. Most panels are flat and rectangular, but we do have special shapes such as automotive styling panels which mimic the side of an automobile. In addition, custom panels can be manufactured to specification.
Consistent & Convenient. The Biuged production process is specifically tailored to minimize variability of metallic surfaces. We buy all of our substrates direct from selected mills which control surface texture to our specifications. Our inventory of over a million panels means that 95% of our orders are shipped from stock.
Economical. Due to high volume production, our panels cost less than one might expect.  Equally important, the convenience of pre-cleaned, safe, standardized panels reduces the expensive time lab personnel could spend cleaning and handling panels.
NAME Ordering Information Size (mm) Minimum Packing Pretreat
Steel Panels BGD 2310 120×50×0.5 300 pcs Polishing
BGD 2311 150×70×0.5 180 pcs Polishing / hole and Circuital corner
BGD 2312 120×50×0.8 300 pcs Polishing
BGD 2313 150×70×0.8 180 pcs Polishing / hole and Circuital corner
BGD 2314 120×50×1.0 300 pcs Polishing
BGD 2315 150×70×1.0 180 pcs Polishing / hole and Circuital corner
Phosphated IronPanels BGD 2318 150×70×0.8 180 pcs Spray Sand (Ra 4.5~5.5)
BGD 2319 150×70×0.8 180 pcs Phosphated
Aluminum Panels BGD 2320 120×50×0.5 300 pcs Chromated
BGD 2321 150×70×0.5 180 pcs Chromated
BGD 2322 120×50×0.8 300 pcs Chromated
BGD 2323 150×70×0.8 180 pcs Chromated
BGD 2324 120×50×1.0 300 pcs Chromated
BGD 2325 150×70×1.0 180 pcs Chromated
ABS Plastic Panels BGD 2400 88×62×2.0 500 pcs Coarse /smooth surface
BGD 2401 130×80×2.0 250 pcs Coarse emery/exiguous emery/smooth surface
PC Plastic Panels BGD 2410 88×62×2.0 500 pcs Coarse /smooth surface
BGD 2411 130×80×2.0 250 pcs Coarse emery/exiguous emery/smooth surface
HIPS Plastic Panels BGD 2420 88×62×2.0 500 pcs Coarse /smooth surface
BGD 2421 130×80×2.0 250 pcs Coarse emery/exiguous emery/smooth surface
ABS+PC Plastic Panels BGD 2430 88×62×2.0 500 pcs Coarse /smooth surface
BGD 2431 130×80×2.0 250 pcs Coarse emery/exiguous emery/smooth surface
Original Coating Performance
Ink and Printing Instruments
Balance/Oven/Water Bath
Weathering Tester
Testing before Spraying
Test Substrates
Standard Expendable Items
Petroleum Tester
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