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Krebs Stormer Viscometer
Krebs Stormer Viscometer
BGD 184 Stormer Viscometer is used for measuring the viscosity of Newtonianand non-newtonian fluids in accordance with ASTM D562. The viscosity of a non-newtonianmaterial varies depending on the rate of shear, but Krebs Stormer Viscometercan measure the viscosity at a set speed shear rate which provides a consistentstandard.

Based on the popular traditional KREBS method, using aweight-driven rotating paddle to sense the paint viscosity at a constant 200rpm, this modern digital instrument provides automated motor operation, withoutweights & pulley, allowing accurate direct reading in KU (Krebs units)or g (gram). The conversion between these units is automaticallycalculated by the microprocessor and displayed on request. Sturdy constructionallows for use either in a production environment or in the laboratory.
Features :
LED digital display gives the reading in Krebsunits or grams.
The quick release chuck enables rapidcleaning and changeover of the paddle
Self protection function under over-range.
Main Technical Parameters:
Range:40.2KU~141.0KU (27-5250 cP)
Accuracy:±1.0% offull scale range
Repeatability:±0.5% offull scale range
Paddle speed:200r/min±0.5r/min
Overall dimensions:210mm×180mm×500mm(length by width by height )
Package Size:560mm×450mm×280mm
PackageWeight:9.2 Kg
Ordering Information: BGD 184---Krebs Stormer Viscometer
Original Coating Performance
Ink and Printing Instruments
Balance/Oven/Water Bath
Weathering Tester
Testing before Spraying
Test Substrates
Standard Expendable Items
Petroleum Tester
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