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Intelligent Krebs Stormer Viscometer
Intelligent Krebs Stormer Viscometer
GD 186 is the newest KrebsViscometer which isupgraded from BGD 184. It is used widely for making viscosity measurements onpaints/coatings in accordance with ASTM D562. Digital version with constantspeed motor rotating at 200 r. p. m can get greater accuracy and repeatabilityfor test results.
Comparing with BGD 184, it has these features as blows:
Can show “KU”,“cP” ,“g”,“℃”value simultaneously.
Designed with calibration fuction: With standard oil, the end user can complete calibration independently,no need return it manufacture .
Has a big LCD which can show test result clearly
Can set test time
With RS 232 communcation port, can print test results
Self protection function under over-range.
Main Technical Parameters:
Range:40.2KU~141.0KU 27-5250cP
Accuracy:±1.0% offull scale range
Repeatability:±0.5% offull scale range
Paddle speed:200r/min±0.5r/min
Overall dimensions:210mm×180mm×500mm(length bywidth by height )
Package Size:560mm×450mm×280mm
PackageWeight:9.2 Kg
Ordering Information: BGD 186---Intelligent Krebs Stormer Viscometer
The cP reading from the Krebs Stormer Viscometer isnot necessarily agree with cP values measured by other instruments due to:
1. Unique shear rate of the Krebs Stormer Viscometer paddlespindle.
2. Uniqueness of the Krebs unit scale
Original Coating Performance
Ink and Printing Instruments
Balance/Oven/Water Bath
Weathering Tester
Testing before Spraying
Test Substrates
Standard Expendable Items
Petroleum Tester
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